There are three different gadgets in "My gadgets", located on the left hand-side of the Success Dashboard. My gadgets are quickly indicators on how your practice is doing with simple red and green indications.

Success Score

Shows you your last 12 months percentile within the Sikka ecosystem. Your success score with change each month and you can track yourself to see if your improving or falling short. 


Quick Stats

Shows you your last month stats on Providers adjusted production to Practice adjusted production, total collection vs. Adjusted production, new patient to total patients, and gross production to adjusted production.

Providers adjusted production - any money that was taken off from his/her production, such as coupons, discounts, dispensing fee, tax, insurance, etc.

Practice adjusted production - any money that was taken off from the production, such as coupons, discounts, dispensing fee, tax, insurance, etc.

Total Collections - any form of payment the practice has received.

New Patients - any new patients that have been seen this month

Total Patients - all active patients in your practice software

Gross Production - Total production before any adjustments

National Trend Ticker

Shows you your last year's current month,last month, and current month status on total revenue. You can easily see if you are improving with green and red arrow indicators. You can also compare your current month with last months total revenue.